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I am ready for love

Spoken word entry 101:

Let's make this one thing clear

If you do not love yourself 

It doesn't matter what man's eye sees in mass majority

Whether your beauty is the first place

Or you walk by, and they call you ugly

If your focus is twisted and you're only paying attention to what missed you

You make it impossible to see the blessings the Lord's given you

Loving you is getting to know the treasures you hold

Others will only reciprocate the energy you release and how they see you treat you.

Point of View:

Look at all the blessings the Most High has placed in your life. I know sometimes life is rough. Maybe you’ve had deep desires to give up. Let's disrupt those thoughts. What a pleasure it is to be you on a brand new day.

Grand rising lovely. I find it easier to open my mind when I’m relaxed. Allow me to walk you through these meditative steps. Take some deep breaths with me. Breathe through your nose slowly, hold, and then slowly release through your mouth. Are you ready? Let's count down five, four, three, two, one.

Look at you, sis. There's air in your lungs, mobility in your joints, access to water, so many people love you, and another chance to spread sunshine and make a difference for those who will come after you. 

What you see is a reflection of your beliefs. Do you agree? Growing up, my mother instilled in us that beauty comes from within. Beauty is the love and energy that one exudes. Beauty is a demeanor that one holds that is soft and bold. Beauty is a story that one's soul has told.  Beauty is a level of gratitude for oneself, an individual duty we fulfill to receive peace within. It can't be purchased, painted on, or injected, but it has been with you since birth as God's creation.

The journey to understanding the magnitude of the beauty you hold is intense. I believe this journey called life is for digging deep and acknowledging our flaws and beautiful fountains that will overflow—knowing that what The Most High has bestowed on you is personal. It's a gift.

Your journey to understanding you is a personal voyage to find those treasures and a journey of falling in love. Recognize your unique gifts, talents, and features that come in the perfect form. Everything you need is already inside you; sometimes, finding it takes movement and shaking. Introspection is critical to that level of success. The process has no end date; you don’t arrive, become enlightened, and it’s a continuous stride. You have to go head-on with you without blurred lenses. 

Life’s experiences shape our perception. I believe that you get to a point in life that causes you to pause and reflect on whether that perception is accurate or if you have some sorting.

Suppose you separate yourself from what doesn’t cause favorable outcomes. That will truly make things more clear for you.

The Creator of the Heavens and Earth created you with significance and placed a power in you. Your purpose is bold, a unique story you must tell. 

According to Dr. Barry Starr, in a 2009 article he states “Well, it is about 640 billion light-years of DNA. The end of the observable Universe is about 14 billion light years away. So if we stretched out bacterial DNA, it would go to the end of the Universe and back around 23 times.” With that being said, If your DNA strands alone measure out to be larger than the universe itself, then what does that tell you about the magnitude of the beauty that you hold? 

So the next time those weak thoughts of inferiority consume your mind, stand tall, look at yourself, and let it be known that you were uniquely crafted; not one fingerprint on Earth is like yours. You are here to spread greatness from your vibrant light beaming within. The world is ready for your input, uniqueness, and joy. The world is waiting to align with a soul like yours! The world is awaiting your love.

Thank you for deciding to love.

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